3 cups fresh Baies d’Or cranberries
1/2 cup boiling water
2/3 cup compacted fresh basil leaves (set aside a few leaves for decoration)
3 large chopped garlic cloves, chutes removed
2 tbsp. grilled pine nuts
2 tbsp. lemon juice
3/4 cup fresh grated Parmesan cheese
4 tbsp. liquid honey
3/4 cup olive oil
3/4 cup white wine
Rinse cranberries and place in small casserole with water. Cook on medium heat for 5 to 10 minutes or until tender and ruptured. Stir periodically during cooking and add a bit of water if needed (there must always be a bit of water at the bottom of the casserole).
Using a food processor, finely chop basil, purée garlic, pine nuts, Parmesan cheese, honey, lemon juice, half of olive oil, and half of white wine until pesto is smooth in texture. Salt and pepper to taste, and set aside.
In a large casserole, boil water and add salt. Cook pasta until “al dente”. Strain pasta and set aside a bit of cooking water for the cranberry pesto.
In a casserole, mix hot pasta with cranberry pesto to taste and add cooking water if needed. Cover rest of cranberry pesto with olive oil. Can be kept many days in the refrigerator.
Note :
To cook pasta according to the rules of the art, measure 1 liter of boiling water (4 cups) for each 100 g of pasta. Add 10 ml of salt per liter of water. Water must come to a full boil so as to avoid the pasta from sticking and to keep pasta in continuous movement during cooking.